We will have a small talk on what life was like, and then make some toys that a pioneer kid would have enjoyed and play some pioneer games.
Then we will visit historic places along the Jakey’s Fork, including the cabin where Butch Cassidy spent the Christmas of 1889.
''Garden Expo Craftin’ Corner'' is part of the Bailey Tire/Pit Stop Children’s Exploration Series at the Lander Museum.
Visit the Riverton Museum for this Children's Exploration Event for fun, educational activities, and to see Teasdale the Horned Owl up close.
Randy Wise will give an illustrated talk on what life was like in Lander back in the year 1925.
Learn about Lander’s amazing Main Street History and the buildings and business that have called Lander home.
The new exhibit at the Lander Pioneer Museum opening January 17 features to work of Al Hubbard, a contemporary Indigenous